Home Dave's Down low Down-under Adventure

Dave's Down low Down-under Adventure

The YPINH Alliance is proud to be partnering with Dave Lewis, who is cycling around Australia on his 'Down low Down-under Adventure' to raise awareness on the issue of young people in nursing homes and the desperate need for rehabilitation programs in Australia.

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About Dave Lewis

In 2003, 22-yr old Dave sustained an acquired brain injury (ABI) from a motorcycle accident on his way to work.  In a coma for 42 days, Dave’s parents were told he might not survive, but that if he did, a nursing home would be the only option for him.  Fortunately Dave did survive and was able to afford the rehabilitation he needed through a small compensation payment he received as the victim of a road accident.

Dave was lucky.  Without his modest compensation payment, he – like too many young people with ABI - would have had to rely on the limited resources of his state’s health system to assist with his recovery. And he wouldn’t have gone far.

Access to rehabilitation shouldn’t be a matter of luck. But without a national rehab strategy, getting the rehab you need, when you need it, is just that…luck.

Dave knows that rehab has meant his recovery.  He wants every young Australian needing rehabilitation to have the same chance to recover he has had.

Dave has been training for many months for his epic cycling journey around Australia, and has already completed a 3-week trial around Tasmania in February 2012.

Dave will be calling for donations through YPINH to raise money for young people requiring rehabilitation in each state Dave travels through.

Follow Dave's journey on his facebook page and website


All donations over $2 are tax deductible and will go towards helping young Australians like Dave get the rehab they need:

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